Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Reoccurance

Last night as I lay deep in slumber I had a dream that I vividly remembered when I woke up this, Sunday, morning. It seemed funny to me that the dream that I had was the one I dreamed the night of our assignment, because I have had this dream many times since I was a little girl. It is strange to me that it is a reoccurring dream that always has the same conflict and same resolution and yet I am always unsure what is going to happen next.
It starts of with me playing on the trampoline with my sister. As we bounce, rocketing one another into the blue sky I notice a shadow creeping up over my shoulder. I turn around to find a GIANT standing on the middle street of our 8 shaped neighborhood. I watch as he crushes his hand through my neighbors house living kitty-corner to mine. He pulls the family out, squishing them lightly as we spins them around, flopping their bodies up and down like raggedy-Anne dolls. He does voice overs for them play them out like a scene in a movie. Then he finally sets them down and goes for the next house.
Panic running through my veins, I bolt inside to warn my family of the terrible creature destroying my neighborhood. We all head for the crawl space with flashlights fear, awaiting him to strike our house and move on. Suddenly it happens. Crash, crumble, and crack, the roof of my house is removed like the top slice of bread on a sandwich as he begins to shuffle around our furniture. After rearranging the entire house he picks himself up and staggers on down the street. My family stays hidden in the back of the crawl space but I insist on going outside to check out the situation.
A deadly scream comes from an old house at the end of my road. Its old Mr. Metcalf, never really liked him anyways, the giant however did. He was playing a little to rough with Mr. Metcalf and squished the old man like fresh oranges Florida. But then the unexpected happened, the giant began crying harder than a baby. He places him down on the ground and whimpered at his lifeless body. That is when it hits me that the poor giant just wants someone to play with and that everyone is too intimidated by his size. So I ran back into the house and come out again with a perfectly blown up red balloon. i march right down the street and approach the beast. "Here you are" is all I say, while the giant looks at me with confusion. He grabs the balloon from me and cracks a smile. After that he stands up again and walks to the field bordering our houses and sits down with his red balloon and never bothers our neighborhood again. Then I jolt awake.
I have tried to Analise this dream many times but all I can decipher is that I really don't care for Mr. Melcalf. Let me know what you think :)

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