Sunday, March 21, 2010

Professor Sexon you will appreciate this

Recently I have started watching all the movies I used to watch as a young child in hopes of being able to identify what stories and tales came before them but had the same plot line. In doing so I found a reference to the Brothers Karamazov in a 1986 film, "An American Tail".
As Fievel traveled from Russia to America, he lost his family along the way. He ends up meeting a cat named Tiger and this was their conversation that started their friendship.

Tiger: "I like butterflies with big golden wings and blue and green tips."
Fievel: "Me too"
Tiger: "I like Swiss Cheese Ice cream."
Fievel: "Me too, me too!"
Tiger: "You too-too? Wait a minute. What's your favorite book?"
Fievel: "Why the Brothers Karamozov."
Tiger: " The Brothers. I don't believe it!"

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