Sunday, March 21, 2010

You Don't Know What You're Saying Till You See What You Say

At first when our professor told us these wonderful words of wisdom I was completely lost in them. I tried to break it down into smaller chunks but all I came up with was; you don't know what you're saying; till you see; what you say. As you can probably guess breaking it down that way was not much help. Then after reading other peoples blogs I decided to come at it from a different direction, backwards. You see what you say; then know what you're saying. And that suprisingly made way more sense.

I not only realized what it was saying that it is intirely true!!!

You don't know what you're saying, till you see what you say. Everything that we say is only mysterious creations of our mind that force us to contimplate and obsess over the concern of it legitimacy. It is not until we see what we question that we are satisfied the reality of our original minds creations.

I hope that makes sense to some people but even if it doesn't I think the real message that should be taken from this blog is that even though you may not understand something the first few times you approach it not only is that okay, it is an excellant time to discover a new way of learning.

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