Sunday, April 25, 2010

No Child Deserves That

We had a discussion in class today that struck me right at home in the heart. The question at stake was is the torturing of one child worth the worlds eternal happiness? For me the answer is ABSOLUTELY NO!!!! I just feel so strongly about the fact that is NOT okay to volunteer someone to take on the worlds suffering. No child should ever be put through that, ever, especially if they did not ask for or want to take on those responsibilities. Just imagine for a minute (or reflect if you are already at this point in life) that you have a child or multiple if necessary. Now imagine that someone comes and takes them from you and informs you of the task they must complete; they must suffer to save the world from pain and suffering. That is your baby, who you brought into this world and promised to protect and give your life for. They have only you to trust and count on, they are part of you.

Some may say well what if it is not my child, what if I don’t know anything about them, who they are, what age they are, whether they are a boy or girl, then there is not that connection with them. This is true, there would not be that incredibly strong bond between them and you, however, that child still has that connection with someone else who brought them into this world and to take that from them would be an act that only the devil himself would do and still sleep at night.

No child deserves that, no mother deserves that, and if we are willing to do that, then we are not deserving of the outcome..

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