Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sweet Alyosha

In the first book of the Brothers K when the sons are born and the mothers "leave" old man Karamazov my heart was struck with sadness when old man Karamazov didn't take the opportunity to prove himself a good man and a good father to his three wonderful boys. During the time that I was reading this first section was when I met my new dog for the first time. We found her at the Humane Society amongst a litter of small tri-colored puppies. Immediately I knew she was the one and could not wait to take her home. She was perfect. When the Humane Society staff came to us to ask how they could be of assistance I showed her which one I wanted and asked how they all made it here to the Humane Society. The woman replied to me that they had discovered the puppies completely abandoned in a crack house looking shed. Their owners had left them to fend for themselves. I was heart broken to hear that but realized it was similar to the occurrence in the Brothers K. Only this sweet puppies new care taker was not a house "slave/butler/house keeper", it was me!!!

After taking the puppy home, I decided to return to the novel and find an appropriate name for the new puppy in remembrance of the great Brothers Karamazov. After many thoughts and discussions with my family we decided that Alyosha was the right one. Even though the puppy is a she and Alyosha is a boy's name we had hoped that she would grow up to have a similar similar mentality as Alyosha. She still has quite a bit of puppy energy but you can see already when she rests in your arms or lap that she is there for you and just as kind a sweet Alyosha.

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