Friday, April 30, 2010

Questions for the Exam

What was scandelous about Father Zossima's death?
---The odor of corruption---

Who is Smerdyakov's mother?
---Stinking Lizaveta---

What is one of the great lessons of Zossima about responsibility?
---Everyone is responsible for everyone---

Who actually murdered Father Karamazov?

How does Smerdyakov die?
---He hangs himself---

Where is paradise?
---Right here, right now---

What are the last chapters of the Brothers Karamazov depicting?
---The enditement of the western legal system---

How is each brother personally responsible for Father Karamazov's death?
---Smerdyakov- actually kills him
Alyosha- doesn't stop Smerdyakov
Ivan- plants the idea in Smerdyakov
Dmitri- wants him to die---

Who brings/ what is the evidence against Dmitri?
---The letter from Katerina---

Who is Alyosha's childhood "bully/not friend" that later becomes his "deciple"

Who was the hero of Brothers Karamazov in the eyes of Anne?

Who does Hamlet stab through the curtain?

Who does Hamlet think he is stabbing behind the curtain?

Who is the only one that challenges Hamlet's wit?
---The grave digger---

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