Sunday, April 25, 2010

Thesis Statement

Today, in class we discussed a topic that I am often afraid of thinking about because of its dark, gloomy realization it brings, we are here to live a life of tragedy. I have often thought of this theory while in a stupor of teenage drama but the outcome always seemed to be the same; life is not tragic, the world is just out to get me right now. Anyone who has been or known a young teenage girl knows that this is a very frequented and over analyzed feeling. For some it can feel like the world is coming to an end and that it isn’t worth it to even try to make it through because nothing will ever go back to normal and life will never be as good! As you all know now, that is one hell of an over-dramatic, completely unrealistic, exaggerated, irrational way of thinking. I know that now and am able to laugh at myself for thinking so irrationally, however, it was not until today that I was able to approach comfortably the truth behind the tragedy we experience.

I have come to terms now with the idea of a tragic sense of life. We all strive our entire life to be the best, satisfy our needs and wants, find perfect love, have perfect friends and jobs, and stay happy the whole time. Now how unrealistic is that? From every good experience we have, we win something and lose something. When we get things like a new puppy we are really setting ourselves up to sob and weep as we bury him ten years later. When we have babies, we are really adding unimaginable stress, financially and emotionally, and limiting the fun to be had and the times to be spent. When we find a new “someone special” we are just begging for fights, and tension, and suffocating. We do all these things and more with the ability to see what is really to come of it but instead choose to be ignorant to it. The benefit of the moment takes over the thought of long term effects, and we consider ourselves satisfied, and hence life is worth it again.

This shows us that life is tragic, but we can find or pretend to find happiness within, and that makes life beautiful.

That right there is going to be my thesis to my paper about what I did not know before, what I know now, and how it has made a difference:

Life is tragic, life is beautiful.

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