Sunday, April 25, 2010

Tears for a Fish

Garrett, please do not take this personally, this is not directed to you at all!!

We were informed today that Garrett would feel no real emotions if he had a pet fish that died. This is sad to me because I think that if he does not feel that a fish is worth a tear then he is missing what grief is all about. Grief is a process we go through after a tragic event, most often involving death. While experiencing grief we cry, sob, ball, shout, fight, pray, deny, blame, and think a lot. Most people grieve and know they are grieving for their own benefit to help them get over the tragedy they have experienced.

However, the truth behind grieving is to pay respect to whom you are grieving over. When a friend or family member dies by instinct we feel sad and hurt, and although it is in part of their absence, it is also because we instinctively want to make sure it is known they were loved and cared for. It is as though we feel they are still there and need to be shown that they did not die alone or in vein.

So although Garrett and others that don't feel like they need to grieve to help themselves through it is still important to grieve on behalf of the creature that lost its life. And everything on this earth deserves that respect.

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