Friday, April 30, 2010

Presentations II

Lindsey- I know what it feels like to have more teacher friends than student friends and I know how saddening it can feel once you realize it. I am just sorry for you that there was so much pressure on you during high school to change the ways that you had for so long enjoyed. I am super glad though that in the end you were able to find an appropriate balance of the two. Just remember to never forget those times and how happy you were then. Nice presentation by the way!

Brittany- You and I have something very much in common in that this was the first class that I had to blog for. I have never blogged before, I mean I can barely check my Facebook account and check my e-mail. But you and I have advanced technologically more than we ever would have with out this class agreed?

Something else that was discussed during the presentations is the idea that we live in paradise right now no matter where you are. It is bizarre to me that we don't understand that we are in paradise now and we are always searching for it. What is it that we think paradise looks like, what is it that we can't see now? How do we get satisfied with the idea that we are in paradise now and that it is not really looking up at all for the future. Since all these questions are formulating in my mind with no answers I suppose I need to move ahead and come up with solutions of my own. So my solution to this proclamation is that I am going to enjoy every moment of my life and not focus so much energy on finding happiness later in life. I have to remember that now is the opportunity to live not later. I hope that others can come to their own realization that suits them for their lives. But most importantly I hope that they can live up to the realization they have come to. Right now is paradise, paradise is bliss.

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