Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Where Are You Going Where Have You Been

This has been one of my favorite pieces of literary work that we have read this semester. I know that some people find it creepy. eiry, disscusting, or just simply not chill, but to me the reactions of the two main characters completely blows my mind and fascinates me a lot.

As far as Connie I can't imagine being swept off my feet like that so easily by Arnold Friends sweet words. I understand that most girls find find sweet, soft, complimenting words very seductive and tempting; however, that is just not what turns me on. (Before I go any further I should state very clearly now that I do not judge on any of these characters nor any people that would react the same way they do. Neither my reactions nor yours are right or wrong just different.) I am not very turned on by that cheezy talk, it only makes me feel like they can't talk about anything serious and important. It also makes me feel that they must not have a very interesting background at least not one interesting enough to discuss and connect with. I guess that is just look for more interaction than just hearing about the things that they notice just by seeing me for a couple of minutes or hours.

Arnold Friend's part I just cannot fathom the mentality of being a stocker, or rapist, or creeper, or whatever you consider his thoughts and actions. Most criminal actions and thoughts are not something I can even begin to wrap my head around, how they can sleep at night and how they feel comfortable being so uncomfortable. Just doesn't make since to me. But the way he moves and the way he speaks to Connie and his partner in crime remind me of some characterists of people that surround all of us everyday.

Those are only some of the qualities of the characters that keep my interest in this short story. Also another thing that entrigues me is the reality behind the theme of the story. The fact that this really does happen in life, not only that it was a real life scenario that inspired this story. Also, I love that the ending is an open ended cliff hanger that leaves the reader to complile a series of possible solutions and sort out which one their imagination believes in. It seems as though the author has left the story to be channeled directly in account of ones personality and who they best connect with in the story, who they want to win, change, suffer, or even die.

So that is why "Where are you going, where have you been?" was one of my favorite literary pieces that we explored in this class.

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